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"Campus Intelligence Business Service platform user order use Agreement" 1. Accept terms 1. When users and distributors use this network platform, they already know and agree to the terms of this agreement. 2. This Agreement will be updated when necessary, and each change will be released immediately on the website platform and will take effect immediately. If the user or distributor refuses to accept the new agreement, the distributor must abandon the use of the network platform; if it continues to use, it indicates that it has accepted the new agreement. 3. The text of this service agreement and its attachments constitute a complete agreement on the rights and obligations between the seller (Campus Wisdom Enterprise Service platform) and the buyer and user. The content of this agreement includes the text of the agreement and all kinds of rules that have been issued or may be issued by this platform in the future. All rules shall be an integral part of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as the text of the Agreement. The after-sales principles, order issuing process, service description, service scope, various matters needing attention and other related information about this service listed on this website constitute the attachment to this service agreement and are part of this service agreement. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the services provided by any network platform and its affiliated companies are subject to this Agreement. 4. The platform of this site has the right to formulate and amend this Agreement and all kinds of rules from time to time according to the needs of relevant industries and relevant laws and regulations, and make an announcement in the way of website announcement, without separate notice. As soon as the changed agreements and rules are published on the website, they will automatically take effect. If you do not agree to the relevant changes, you should immediately stop using the network platform services. If you continue to use the services of this network platform, you have accepted the revised agreements and rules. 5. Registered users and distributors undertake to accept and abide by the terms of this Agreement. If the user or distributor does not agree with this agreement, the user or distributor shall immediately stop the registration procedure or stop using the services of this network platform. However, for the changes made by the buyer and seller during the period when they are using the Service, the buyer and seller shall still execute the text of this Service Agreement before the relevant modifications are made. 6. Only the written authorized personnel of Chongqing School Road Society Technology Co., Ltd. have the right to amend this agreement. 7. The seller has the right to unilaterally terminate this Service Agreement in the event that the buyer user violates this Service Agreement and any obligations, statements and warranties contained in the Annex to this Service Agreement, and shall no longer provide this Service to the buyer user and shall not be liable for breach of contract. 2. terms of user registration and distributor registration 1. When applying for registered member users, registered users must provide true, accurate, immediate and complete registration information in accordance with the requirements of this network platform; maintain and update registration information in a timely manner to keep it true, accurate, timely and complete. Otherwise, the buyer shall be responsible for all the consequences. 2. Definition: network platform distributor registration Network platform distributor registration refers to a merchant who wishes to register as a distributor of this network platform and has legal business qualifications, or a natural person authorized by this platform to develop distribution business, and fill in the relevant information as required and confirm the process of agreeing to fulfill the relevant terms and conditions of this service agreement. 3. Qualifications of registered distributors The registered distributor must be an entity unit or natural individual with legal business qualification and full civil capacity, the manager who completes the registration procedure of the distributor and the manager who engages in business transactions in the name of distribution authorization on this network platform must have the legal authorization of this platform and the natural person with full civil capacity. When applying for registered member users, the registered distributor and agent must provide true, accurate, immediate and complete registration information in accordance with the requirements of the network platform; maintain and update the registration information in time to keep it true, accurate, immediate and complete. Otherwise, the distributor will be responsible for all the consequences. If the entity organization registered as the distributor of this network platform does not have the legal authorization business qualification, or the manager who completes the registration procedure of the distributor and the manager who engages in the transaction in the name of the registered distributor on this network platform does not meet the above requirements, the service agreement between it and this network platform shall be invalid from the beginning. Once discovered, the network platform has the right to immediately cancel the registered distributor and investigate its economic losses and all other legal liabilities caused by the use of network platform services. 3. The responsibility of the distributor 1. The registered distributor shall provide its own true information at the time of registration, and ensure the effectiveness and security of the information materials, including but not limited to the name, identity number, unit name, e-mail address, contact telephone number, contact address, postal code and so on, to ensure that the network platform can effectively contact it through the above contact means. At the same time, the registered distributor is also responsible for updating the relevant registration materials in a timely manner when the relevant information is actually changed. The registered distributor of this network platform shall guarantee not to register or authenticate on the network platform with other people's information or false information, otherwise, the distributor shall be responsible for all the consequences caused by it. 2. After completion of registration, distributors need to be examined and approved by this platform and authorized qualifications can be issued before they can carry out distribution business. Those who only register but do not pass the examination and begin to operate their own business under the guise of distribution on this platform, once verified, this platform will be sealed and investigated for economic losses and other legal liabilities caused by the use of network platform services. 3. The registered distributor of this network platform has the right to have its own registered distributor user name and password, and has the right to use its own registered distributor user name and password to log on to the network trading platform at any time. The registered distributor of the network platform shall not disclose, transfer or authorize others to use its own network platform to register the distributor's username and password without authorization in any form; otherwise, the registered distributor shall bear all the consequences. 4. This network platform requires registered distributors to abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the state when carrying out service business, and be responsible for guiding users to use transactions conducted on the network platform, otherwise, they shall bear full legal responsibility for disputes arising from transactions with customers. If the consumer has a serious mistake to guide or guide the user to trade privately offline, resulting in serious economic losses, the distributor will pay full responsibility, which has nothing to do with this platform.In addition, once verified, the platform will be sealed and investigated for the economic losses and other legal liabilities caused to the platform. Terms of use of this website platform 1. When using the network platform, registered users and distributors shall ensure that they abide by the relevant laws and regulations of China and shall not use this network platform to carry out any illegal activities. Abide by all agreements, regulations, procedures and practices related to the use of this network platform. 2. Registered users and distributors are independently responsible for the accuracy, completeness, immediacy and legitimacy of their registered information (including but not limited to registered information and commercial information). If there is any change in the name and email of the registered user and distributor, please notify the network platform immediately and be subject to the review of the network platform. Otherwise, the network platform has the right to suspend or terminate the relevant services of the distributor or refuse it to use the network platform in any form, and the network platform shall not bear any responsibility for the reduction of services to the distributor. 3. The notification of this network platform will send an information notification to the distributor in the form of internal messages of the platform. 4. Registered users and distributors shall take good care of your login name and password and be responsible for all actions and events carried out through their registered accounts. Because registered users and distributors inadvertently divulge their login names and passwords, which may lead to damage to the rights of distributors, this network platform shall not bear legal liability. Distributor agrees to notify the online platform immediately upon discovery of any unauthorized use of your login name and password and other security breaches and events. 5. Registered users and distributors shall legally use the relevant services of the network platform and ensure that they leave the site correctly after using the network platform. This network platform shall not be liable for any losses caused by registered users and distributors due to failure to comply with this agreement. 6. Due to the particularity of the Internet, such as force majeure such as hacker attacks, Internet connectivity interruptions or system failures, this network platform can only resume the operation of the network platform as quickly as possible. This platform is not responsible for the time and economic losses caused to the registered users and distributors. Fifth, the network platform payment, distribution business service content 1, the implementation of this network platform, the customer first booking, issuing orders, payment, platform after the processing of production, production, design, distribution service rules. If there are special circumstances of special users, please contact the person in charge of distribution in this area to place orders and pay for them offline. This platform is not responsible for the time loss and economic loss caused by the user who fails to act in accordance with these rules. 2. The shipping time of the advertising and printing customization business of this network platform is calculated from the second day after the user determines the final version. The normal shipping time of coated paper business cards, promotional pages, coupons and other double-sided and single-sided paper prints that only contain printing and cutting processes is 1-3 days. Folding, couplings, picture albums, special paper business cards, paper cups and other complex paper printed materials, the normal shipping time is 5-7 days. The normal shipping time of advertising photo, spray painting, banner, display shelf, display board and other printing processing and cutting process is 1-3 days. Advertising words, signs and other carving processing, spray printing, assembly process complex normal shipping time is 3-7 days. The above are the normal shipping time, not adding the time of the distribution process. For details of the approximate arrival time, please consult customer service or directly call the inspection hotline. 3. The completion time of the design service of this network platform and the completion time of the website construction service, please consult the customer before issuing the order, so as not to cause the loss of your time. 4. The delivery time of other non-customized products is generally the next day. 6. With regard to the payment rate of this platform, 1. When users of this platform choose to withdraw cash to bank accounts and Alipay accounts, our platform will charge a handling fee of 3%. Please know. 2. Users who use bank payment, please take a picture or take a screenshot to our order review customer service in time after payment. There is no handling charge for this payment method.